Beading Q and A: Bead Patterns (3/14/2011)
Carol asks…
Any RAW bead patterns?????
i really love beading & i would really like 2 see any right angle weave animal patterns.
BeadGal answers:
One of my favorite online site for beading patterns is If you go and use the search terms raw animals you will find patterns for different animals.
David asks…
beads patterns to make ring napkins holders?
Hi everyone, I have lots of colorful plastic beads and I want to make those rings to hold the napkins.
Can anyone suggest where I can find the graphic patterns scheme on how to weave the beads.
Please I need a real simple and easy to follow.
BeadGal answers:
Daniel asks…
How do I make (stitch) bead pictures (not embroidery)?
I would like to make pictures out of beads. Like a keychain sorta,but bigger. How do I make and do the stitching? Is there any sites that show you HOW? Thanks!
BeadGal answers:
There are several techniques you can use to create bead woven pictures.
Peyote stitch also know as gourd stitch), brick stitch and square stitch are some of the most common methods.
There are a lot of site to get info on how to
Free how-tos are found at here:
Also some great tutorials and free patterns are at – you will have to page through the free patterns to find the how to but it is worth it. You can also use the search engine and enter how to or tutorials. The basic how-to’s are all free — Peyote is the best to start with.
most of the stitch tutorials are near the last pages. Be sure to check out some of the cool patterns that are free as well — the dragonfly bracelet or lizard bracelet are great first projects.
You will get best results using Delica beads or Tohos — they are a special kind of seed bead that is shaped like a cylinder and very precise in shape and size. They will make a huge difference in how your work looks and how easy it will be to do (you can use regular seed beads, but it’s a lot harder and doesn’t look as nice.) Check out the posts on for a couple of free patterns and some samples.
There are some great beading groups on yahoo as well that are very supportive. is a great group of folks who will be very supportive and helpful, as well as a great resource.
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