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Beading Q And A: Swarovski Crystal Beads (5/27/2011)

2011 May 27

Linda asks…

Is it cheaper to buy Swarovski crystal beads straight from Swarovski?

if so how do I get them online?

BeadGal answers:

It is cheapest to buy directly from Swarovski if you are making at least a million dollar of purchase every year. If not, it is better to purchase from their distributors.

You may also try eBay but Swarovski has never considered any seller on eBay as “authorized.” Therefore, you may not be getting the real deal.

Mandy asks…

Where’s a good place to buy Swarovski crystal beads online in Canada?

So I can make some jewelry. The bead store I went to has the small cubes, one for 85 cents, which is a little pricey. Maybe I can find something cheaper online? Please help.

BeadGal answers:

Hey hello,

Art Beads has 4mm cubes in many colors for less than half that, or not much more, according to the color and finish.

They also advertise $1.99 shipping to Canada.

Jenny asks…

Is there a way to put Swarovski crystal beads onto a chain?

Thank you!

BeadGal answers:

If you are comfortable with wire techniques, you could simply use the eye loop technique:
1) take a head pin, string on your bead and make a simple loop, fix this “bead dangle” to your chain. You head pin must be in the same finishes as your chain.
2) You can also string a bead (using an eye pin) between two chain pieces.

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