Beading Q And A: Steampunk Jewelry (6/6/2011)
Mandy asks…
Where can I get affordable steampunk jewelry?
I love steampunk jewelry but all the sites I have found online are very expensive. Does anyone know where I can buy some that doesn’t cost so much?
BeadGal answers:
You can get Steampunk items on Etsy.
You might also like to try 1000 Markets and Artfire as well.
Carol asks…
How can I get into making steampunk jewelry?
Is it something that anyone (with the right materials) can get into? What kind of materials do you need? Where might you find these things?
Any tips for getting started?
BeadGal answers:
Look up a book at your local Library or bookstore i have it myself it is called “Steampunk Style Jewelry” by Jean Campbell. It has information on the origins of steampunk and some tips and tricks to create steampunk jewelry. Hope this Helps 😀
Sharon asks…
How well does steampunk jewelry sell (like on ebay and similar sites) ?
I was considering taking it up as a hobby, and maybe make a bit of extra money on the side. I am a really big SteamPunk.
So if I was to make stuff like that, would it actually sell it on ebay? Or any other site? Or should I sell it on another site?
As a side question if anyone knows, where can I get parts for it? I’ll probably buy them on ebay, but where can I find stuff to use on my own?
BeadGal answers:
It would totally sell on ebay.
You can find parts online as well, but check out local craft and hobby stores, garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, etc. You may be surprised.
Nancy asks…
Does anyone know a good place to buy Steampunk clothes and jewelry online?
I have a friend who got me into steampunk clothes and I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find some good stuff online. I’m really interested in finding some decently priced jewelry as it my friends birthday coming up and I wanted to buy a steampunky necklace or pair of earrings for her as a birthday gift. Thanks!
BeadGal answers:
You should check out They have lots of handmade items. I’ve seen a lot of steampunk stuff on this website that’s very affordable.
Jenny asks…
Where can I buy Steampunk jewelry that’s affordable?
I want things like bracelets, Necklaces, and Rings. I found really nice pictures but i can never find a good site to purchase the stuff and its killing me -__- I would really appreciate some assistance.
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