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Free Seed Bead Patterns: Beading Q And A (9/28/2011)

2011 September 28

Sandra asks…

Seed Bead Patterns

Seed Bead Patterns

Does anyone know where I can find good free seed bead patterns websites to make jewelry?

I am looking for free seed bead pattern websites. I need as many as you can think of or find.

I am looking for free necklaces and bracelets using seed beads. For example I want something similar to the pattern #9143 on (in the free patterns section). Ssomething simple but very pretty. I’m also looking for choaker like bead patterns also free.

Nancy asks…

Does anyone know where I can find good free seed bead patterns to make jewelry?

Sandy asks…

What are some names for seed bead patterns and where can I find them?

BeadGal answers:

Some common seed bead stitch names are peyote (odd and even count), right angle weave, netting, etc. What you do with those stitches are endless… I find right angle weave to be very easy to do. And once you have the basic stitch down, you can get more and more elaborate. There are a couple of free online catalogs and some places that have patterns for free or purchase.

Lizzie asks…

How can I request a free catalog of seed bead patterns?

BeadGal answers:

Go to for your patterns. You can order your seed beads from them in bulk. No minimum purchase required.

Susan asks…

Does anyone know a website where I can get free seed bead patterns? That have bears eagles basically wilderness?

I’m looking for free patterns I can get through the mail.

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