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Seed Bead Projects: Beading Q And A (9/12/2011)

2011 September 12

Linda asks…

Seed Bead Leaf Earrings

Seed Bead Leaf Earrings

How to make seed bead leaves? Simple, flat, rounded leaves for on earrings?

They do not need to be 3D. I am hanging 3 on each earring, along with another bauble. I just need a way to get the beads to stay in the rounded shape. Basically flat circles. Directions please? Pictures are helpful. =) Thanks.

BeadGal answers:

Here’s a site with instructions and pictures:

And, here’s another:

Jenny asks…

How do you make seed bead leaves? They need to be rounded-ish. Simple, flat leaves?

I would like instructions, pictures are good. They should be quite circular, but a tad elongated at the top. They’re for on a pair of earrings, so they shouldn’t be huge. Less than an inch big!

Susan asks…

lizard and other designs made out of small seed beads?

how do you make lizard and other designs made out of small seed beads websites with pictures please.

the beads are this small and type

Sharon asks…

bead graph pictures?

I am looking for pictures to use with my seed bead loom ones that I can transfer on to a graph paper.

BeadGal answers:

Go to The guy there created a  free program that uses JAVA to turn any picture into loomed, peyote, brick or round bead pattern. It is easy enough to use, and he will also answer any questions. You can find pics on the internet and save them to your computer, then put them into the program. Voila, they are turned into a beading pattern with bead counts, and a color list, as well as a word pattern. He designed it for his mom!

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