Free Bead Loom Patterns: Beading Q And A (10/14/2011)
Mary asks…

Bead Loom
How do I tie off the ends of a bead loom when the beads have been taken off the loom?
I just started to bead loom and I completed a pattern but I never tied off the ends to secure the beads. How can I do this now that the pattern has been taken off the loom
BeadGal answers:
It’s easier, as you say, to do it while on the loom, but you can still secure the ends. Probably the easiest to do is a simple overhand knot very close to the last row of beads. You will need to stabilze the item you made somehow so it doesn’t move, and then tie a knot in bunches of a couple to several threads at a time. If you want to make a neat ending, there are several good ways to do it… They take a bit of work, but may be worthwhile.
Good tutorial here:
Sharon asks…
Where can I find a Website that offers Free Beading Patterns?
I am specifically looking for Free Patterns for On-Loom Bead Weaving..Celtic Patterns. Any Ideas
BeadGal answers:
If these websites don’t satisfy your thirst just google free bead loom patterns or free bead loom weaving patterns:
Happy beading!
Lisa asks…
I am bead looming and I’m looking for small patterns can someone help?
I just started bead looming on a small loom and I can’t find any patterns online for a small one just big ones. I make bracelets, ankle bracelets and necklaces
BeadGal answers:
Here are some one inch wide patterns that repeat – you can make them as long as you want:
They also have a variety of sizes:
Lizzie asks…
Where can I find FREE clip art/graphics of flowers, wildlife, geometric patterns I can turn into bead work?
I do loom bead work and am looking for small pictures, about 4-6 inches wide, length does not matter.
Helen asks…
I need bead weaving patterns for looms. Please no jewelry patterns, I want picture patterns.
BeadGal answers:
Coyote’s Game Native American Indian Beadwork menu page. … In the creation of patterns typical of the Native Americans who created them:
Leggings attached to shoes have also been produced by Native Americans. Undecorated, but geometric bead and quillwork patterns often decorated them:
Phenomenal Patterns for Phenomenal Beaders! Native Americans Series!!!
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