Free Bead Weaving Patterns: Beading Q And A (10/31/2011)
Lisa asks…
Does anyone have any Christmas beaded ornament patterns they would like to swap?
I have a couple seed bead ornament patterns and have changed them to suit my taste but I am looking for more… if you have any that you would like to share or swap please let me know.
BeadGal answers:
Sandra asks…
Where can I go to get a pattern to make a seed bead necklace made in the shape of a cross?
BeadGal answers:
The basic bead weaving directions can be found at: and if you draw out your design, you could make your cross from this.
I also found a pattern for purchase, which you could alter to your taste if you wanted. It is listed for $4.00. This is found at:
Good luck!
Susan asks…
How do I make those flat seed bead bracelets?
I dont know what they’re called. I wanted to make a rasta colored bracelet for my boyfriend. I wanted it to be like one color each. Do you know where I could find a pattern?
BeadGal answers:
Go to
They offer all kinds of designs and instructions to make some outstanding pieces.
Nancy asks…
Seed bead earrings: Where can I find the instructions for this pattern?
Those are the chandelier earrings I’m trying to make. I forgot how to make them.. and I’ve been searching online for the instructions for the pattern.. Can anyone help me find these instructions online?
BeadGal answers:
You’ll find it here -for free-
Maria asks…
Is there a specific term for a picture made out of seed beads?
There are websites like and whatnot that sell beading patterns–what colors you should use, whether the pattern is for a loom/square or peyote stitch–but my question is, what is the term for these already-created pieces of art? -Is- there a term for them?
BeadGal answers:
“bead weaving” art
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