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Free Bead Stitch Patterns: Beading Q and A (11/14/2011)

2011 November 14

Mary asks…

French Beaded Flower

French Beaded Flower

Can you help me make French beaded flowers?

I let someone borrow my books, now I’ve got no patterns… If you could be kind enough to share some instructions with me it would be very appreciated. If you’ve never heard of them before, they are tiny beads thread on a wire and twisted up into the design of flowers.

BeadGal answers:

Here are some sites that will help you.


Also, check your local library. You may be able to find some of the books you had lent out, or you can search for them on and replace them.

Lisa asks…

How to make Native American beaded earrings?

I cannot find any how-tos on making Native American earrings like these: (example 1) (example 2) (example 3)

If anyone can gave me a link or instructions with pictures on how those are made, I would greatly appreciate it. I’ve taken up beadwork as a hobby and I love it. On the other hand I don’t find the About or eHow sites helpful. Thank you!!!!

BeadGal answers:

Cheyenne (Brick) Stitch, and Comanche (Brick) Stitch:

This is the old style Cheyenne (Brick) Stitch. The one above is a modern day adaption of the old style. It’s easier but, I don’t use it because the finished work is flimsy. Some will curl up from the sides (like the diamond shapes.

I just find that beadwork done in the old Style is firmly woven and always stays flat.

The Other Brick Stitch

Beading- Stitches- Links to Brick Stitch Tutorials:

Beadwork Stitch Tutorials
Graph Paper

Printable Seed Bead Graph Paper

Brick Stitch and Peyote Stitch Graph

Brick Layout Graph Paper PDF Generator

Laura asks…

Does anyone know any Seed Beading books that shows and describes all stitches step by step?

I want a book that shows and describes peyote, brick and other stitches etc. in Beading and Jewelry making.

BeadGal answers:

Two of my favorite books go into great detail of a variety of stitches, have great illustrations and lots of ideas for each stitch:


One of them will be great for you!

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