Free Seed Beading Patterns: Beading Q And A (11/2/2011)
Lisa asks…

Beaded Barefoot Sandal
I need beaded barefoot sandal [seed beads in it if possible,] ideas/patterns free please!?
PleaseIi’ve looked all over the web, please help me out!!! thanks!!!!!!
BeadGal answers:
Try making them yourself, there are a lot of patterns. Heres one:
Maria asks…
Has anyone got beading patterns online?
I have all these odd beads different sizes and shapes and I was wondering has anyone got any patterns so I could use up these beads. I’ve so far been making beaded critters but I’d maybe like to make some other little ornament type things.
I would prefer patterns that use large different types of beads, not seed beads or pony beads.
BeadGal answers:
These sites all have great sections with patterns and ideas:
Hopefully you will find something you like on one of those sites.
Mary asks…
Beaded jewelry patterns or ideas?
I love to make jewelry and am planning on selling some. If I have materials and good directions I can make anything. Does anyone have any patterns for any size seed/e-bead (not sure what I have)? I have looked everywhere on google and continue to see the same things. I have the following things:
different colored glass beads, ebeads seed beads, faceted beads, bugle beads, beading wire,ribbon to put beads with larger holes on, all the tools I need, and jewelry findings.
Please contribute sites or anything free!
BeadGal answers:
Visit your local craft store and look for the monthly magazines. They offer many projects that include a supply list and good directions. Some stores offer beading classes as well. I understand that you are familiar with basic beading, but classes will offer you a place to work out and seek advice on your own ideas.
A web search for free patterns should produce many sites for beading projects. If you’re really good at “visualizing” then a search of hand-crafted jewelry pics will also provide a source for projects.
Laura asks…
Online tutorials/book recommendations for making seed bead bracelets?
Recently, a bracelet I really adored broke. It is a seed bead bracelet, very simple. I am looking to hopefully create a new one with the same pattern, since I still have the bracelet. I know the size of the beads is a size bigger than 11/0, though I’ll go to a craft store to be sure.
But if anyone could point me to simple, and helpful how-to tutorials, I’d be very appreciative. I used to make bead lizards by the dozens as a kid (and forget the technique now.
BeadGal answers:
Fire Mountain Gems and Beads has a web site with free movie tutorials with sound. Beading is their bag, and they have many many that show close up the exact way to do it. Type Fire Mountain Beads in your search box and go to their site. ON the home page, look near the bottom for a link to instructions and tutorials. They also have a design gallery for ideas. One of the best beading sites out there.
If you like videos, YouTube is full of free instructional beading videos.
Mandy asks…
Which is the best seed beading book?
Hi all
I’d like to start using seed beads in jewelry, but can’t do it! Could anyone recommend a book which is very clear in its instructions and has several patterns for me to try? I don’t want to use a loom, so instructions without one if possible!
Thanks very much for your help!
BeadGal answers:
I would thoroughly recommend the following:
Mastering Beadwork by Carol Huber Cypher
The book is quite comprehensive and explains clearly with lots of patterns. I find myself referring to this book again and again for ideas and techniques.
Hope this helps
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