Free Bead Loom Patterns: Beading Q And A (12/9/2011)
Donna asks…
Where can I find a website that offers Free Beading Patterns?
I am specifically looking for Free Patterns for On-Loom Bead Weaving… Celtic Patterns. Any Ideas?
BeadGal answers:
Jenny asks…
How can I make a seed bead bracelet like this?
I really want to learn how to make things like this (the bracelet with hearts), but I can’t find any tutorials or anything close online.
BeadGal answers:
That appears to be either square stitch or done on a bead loom.
Rita Sova Enterprises has lots of tutorials, some free.
Free Patterns:
If you get graph paper once you learn the stitch, you should be able to create this. Just don’t use cheap beads…you need fine Japanese beads that are consistent.
Lisa asks…
Does any one know a website that has BEADED bookmark patterns for free ?
BeadGal answers:
You could use any bracelet pattern as a bookmark – there are lots of bead loom patterns you could use here:
Here are some other styles of beaded bookmarks:
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