Beaded Jewelry Making Ideas (1/25/2012)
Helen asks…
What is the best way to store beads and jewelry making?
I’m a big beader but I have so much I can’t find a good storage idea. Please tell me what your ideas and what is the best storage you have used.
BeadGal answers:
I like the lockable plastic bead boxes that keep beads in their places no matter if you turn them upside down or not. I store them by colors/sizes. The containers are see thru so it’s easier to find the beads I want.
I have a craft bag for my desk that holds my jewelry making tools and makes them handy and I don’t tend to lose them before my eyes that way.
Have you heard of craftainers? Clip Ups can help with small packages and they have a lot of other ideas:
Here’s another site that has craft storage furniture:
The Scrap Box is amazing and could be adapted for storing bead making supplies.
If you want to go even bigger, there are sites to help you design a craft storage room like this one:
Lizzie asks…
Need a good cheap site for beads and gems for making jewelry and ideas and tips?
BeadGal answers:
Consider when you say “cheap” – you are going to get what you pay for! If you are looking for wholesale pricing, you need a resale license. If the sites do not require a license and advertise wholesale pricing MOST require a minimum purchase of at least $100.00. If you ask most beaders, it is not an inexpensive hobby (tools wire and the collecting of beads) and it becomes an addiction. If you are looking for instruction, there are several archived patterns (for the stitching-off loom beading and basic stringing) throughout the web just do a search!
Just remember your local bead stores and support them! Once you start beading, there is soooo much to do…like lampworking (making your own beads out of glass rods!~) and art clay/pmc moldable sterling/gold clay where the possiblities are endless. If you intend to sell your stuff it is best to use the good stuff or you will be repairing a lot!
Jenny asks…
Jewelry / beading project ideas?
I am looking for some easy project to make ie. sun catchers, earrings, bookmarks anything to do with Jewelry making and beading.
Any help would be appreciated. I know the basic jewellery making and I will be giving them as gifts as well as selling some of them.
BeadGal answers:
This site has a huge selection of things to get you started. You want to make and sell (or give as unique gifts) belt buckles, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, keychains, and charms that are personalized to the individual’s likes? Buy in bulk and you can take photographs of the buyer, or download one of what they want, apply it to the jewelry or beads from the site, and voila you have a unique and special project!
Linda asks…
Where can I find cool beads for hemp jewelry in Dallas, Texas?
Me and a few friends just got into making hemp jewelry but we’re having trouble finding places with wide selections of accent beads and center pieces…..any ideas?
BeadGal answers:
Dallas is a big place. There must be several bead stores in Dallas and in the surrounding area too. Or go on line. There are hundred’s of beading websites to look up and order from.
Betty asks…
Handmade jewelry ideas?
I’ve been making hemp jewelry for a long time, and I’m wanting to move on to other stuff, to start selling to make money.
Do you all know anything? Or just making anything that I could sell, that most people wouldn’t find ordinarily.
I also want to know if anyone knows how to make beads. Or where i could buy a bunch of pendants for cheap
BeadGal answers:
If you’re interested in making beads and jewelry-type stuff, try polymer clay, This website could help a lot (it’s a polymer clay “encyclopedia” of techniques, lessons, variations, tips, etc.):
Polymer clay can have patterns, images, and impressions, look like metal/jade/pearl/wood/stone/ivory/etc/etc –and be formed into lots of things besides jewelry as well.
If you’re interested in checking out those possibilities, go to the Table of Contents page at the site, then browse all the way down to see all the items and techniques that are covered there –for jewelry, pay special attention to the 5-6 jewelry categories, although techniques for the patterns and surface effects on the beads/etc will be discussed on their own separate pages at the site:
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