Free Bead Patterns for Bracelets: Beading Q And A (1/16/2012)
Mandy asks…

Multi-Strand Bracelet
Beading and bracelets?
Does anyone know where I can get a pattern for a 12 strand beaded bracelet? I’ve tried looking on the internet but haven’t had any luck with patterns.
BeadGal answers:
Here are instructions for howto make a multi-strand bracelet, you can make your own patterns with your beads:
Here’s a video that will help:
Laura asks…
I am looking for a bracelet pattern for three strands of tiger’s eye teardrop beads which are crisscrossed.
Does anyone have a similar pattern? Thank you!
BeadGal answers:
I think you might mean right-angle weave. Here’s a good tutorial on the stitch:
Donna asks…
What is a good bead club?
I already looked on Google for a beading club. I want to join a bead club that’s cool. I want one that maybe has a forum. Or one that you can send bracelets in the mail to that person, then they sell it and then mail you the money that you earned. Or one that has weekly patterns. I also want a bead club that has free bead catalogs.
BeadGal answers:
Have you tried for a bead group? They have some cool groups.
For catalog on beads there is always both online and hardcopy with snailmail.
Lisa asks…

Daisy Chain Stitch
How can I learn to make this type of beaded bracelet?
I bought this in Mexico from a little girl and want to learn how to make it, but have been unable to find a pattern or even a name for this style of beaded bracelet. Any ideas?!
BeadGal answers:
It’s basically a daisy chain. The only difference is that they’ve replaced the larger bead in every other stitch with 2 or 3 of the smaller beads. should have a basic tutorial. If not you might check the local library. A basic web search should also now be helpful as you now know the stitch name.
Here’s a video:
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