Peyote Stitch Projects: Beading Q And A (1/20/2012)
Sharon asks…
BeadGal answers:
Beading the bottom of eagle feathers for ceremonial dances found on sites listed below.
Dancing little feathers, Bringing traditional beliefs of the past into the future;
Read for more information and you can join this next forum if you are interested to do so.
Peyote or lazy stitch instructions below;
Cherokee and Native American Indian Ceremonies and other info here:…
Maria asks…
Cheap Japanese Seed Beads? Where Are They?
The Cost Of Seed Beads Is Really getting HIGH! The Cost Runs $2.00-3.00 A 30 Gram Tube. (czech seed beads are not uniform and are hard to work with in loom work and peyote stitch)… Can Anyone Give me some sources For Matsuno, Mykui Size 11/0?? I already know about “Out On A Whim and U Bead IT Sacremento.” ANY help would be great! I love to bead but the cost is getting crazy!!
BeadGal answers:
I purchase from Brightlings Beads all the time. I’ve never purchased seed beads, but I am super pleased with their service and quality for other beads and findings. Plus I get weekly coupons in my email, so that really helps keep the cost down:
Also try:
Fusion Beads and Artbeads – again, great quality, super service and free shipping
Donna asks…
Tips for beadweaving with monofilament?
I’ve been making sleeves for my hair using peyote stitch tubes, and I like the way the monofilament makes it sturdier. However, I find actually working with it to be pretty tricky and only progress at about half the speed I would with a needle and thread. Picking up the beads is the trickiest bit, instead of being able to just stick the needle in and come away with what I needed I have to take the monofilament and single out a bead to thread. It’s very tricky work. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks for working with monofilament? Otherwise I may have to sacrifice the sturdiness in favor of nylon’s ease of work.
BeadGal answers:
Why aren’t you using a needle on the monofilament?
I would try a different brand of monofilament, and make sure it’s a “braided” variety, which will be more flexible (and stronger) than a single-strand thread.
Wildfire and FireLine are two favorites of Beadwork readers and you use it with a needle, just like thread.
Sandra asks…
BEAD WEAVING – best thread for weaving bugle beads?
This is a question regarding off-loom beadweaving (peyote, square, net stitch etc.)……
I’ve heard that stitching with bugle beads is rough on the thread and causes the thread to eventually wear down/break. I’ve read that one solution to this is to place a seed bead before and after the bugle when you stitch it. That’s great and I plan to do so……but my question is —- which thread is strong enough to endure any bugle bead cutting? I typically use silamide in my beadweaving, but am considering fireline or powerpro when using bugles. What do you think?
BeadGal answers:
In my experience, Fireline seems to work the best. Bugle beads are very rough on any stringing material, but Fireline seems to wear the best. I did a scarf last year in herringbone with bugles and seeds on Fireline and it has held up very well. I used a 10# Fireline, harder to thread the needle, but very strong.
Be sure to check your bugle beads carefully as you stitch, as they frequently have rough edges and many are already broken, if you mistakenly use one, no amount of thread prep and quality will prevent that bead from cutting your work.
Bugle beads can be tough to work with, but the outcome is often worth the headaches!
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