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Advertising |
Banner ads available in the following sizes:
Coming soon:
Guidetobeadwork.com site info
Wholesalers and manufacturers that contract for an ad with us are listed in the Wholesale/Manufacturer directory at no charge.Bead stores that contract for an ad with us are given a Featured Listing at no charge. |
If you are interested in advertising on Guide To Beadwork please contact Julie at julie@guidetobeadwork.com or call 614-219-7373. |
Wholesale Listings |
If you are a wholesaler, get a listing in our Wholesale “Yellow Pages”. Be one of the few to reach out to the bead store owners with your listing. Additional information is included with a Wholesale Listing including:
$200.00/year |
Please contact Julie at julie@guidetobeadwork.com or call 614-219-7373 to set up a wholesale listing. |
Featured Listings |
Featured Listing gives a store the best exposure by always placing the listing on the top of category page and search result (default sorting), with a design to make it standout. Additional information is included with a Featured Listing including:
$40.00/year |
Please contact Julie at julie@guidetobeadwork.com or call 614-219-7373 to set up a wholesale listing. |
Sponsorship |
Sponsors are “friends” that recognize the value of the site and just want to help out. All sponsors are added to our “Guide To Beadwork Sponsors” page for recognition of their help. |
If you are interested is sponsoring and helping us out you can do so through Pay Pal. |